为了下文中描述清楚,先讲一下脑裂(split brain) 。脑裂:如果发生通信故障,导致整个集群被分隔成多个无法互相通信的分区时,就是所谓的脑裂。既然是分区,分区就有大小之分,一个分区里面包含大多数的节点,那么就称之为majority partition;一个分区里面只有少量节点,那么就称之为minority partition。
可接受的写安全:客户端连接majoritiy partition时,系统会尽可能维系写操作。通常会有少量通知成功的写操作会丢失。但当客户端连接的是minority partition的时候,通知成功但是失败的情况会更多。
可用性:大多数主节点可用并且不可用的主节点至少有一个可用的从节点时,RedisCluster能够部分使用的。此外,使用复制转移(replicas migration),不再被任何从节点复制的主节点,会变为从节点。
RedisCluster实现了一个叫做hash tags
的概念,使用hash tags
在RedisCluster中,节点负责保存数据,记录集群的状态,包括将keys映射到正确的节点。集群节点能够自动发现其他节点,检测有问题的节点,当失败发生时推举从节点为主节点。为了执行这个任务,所有的集群节点通过TCP bus和二进制协议进行连接,称之为Redis Cluster Bus
. 集群中每个节点通过Redis Cluster Bus
进行连接。节点使用gossip 协议传播集群信息从而发现新的节点,发送ping包来确保所有其他节点都正常工作,发送集群消息来通知某些特定情况。使用Cluster Bus用于传播Pub/Sub消息,策划用户发出的手工错误转移。
因为集群节点不会转发请求,客户端使用重定向错误 -MOVED 和 -ASK,重定向到其他节点。理论上客户端可以向集群中任何一个节点发送请求,如果需要获取重定向,因此客户端不需要保存集群的状态。但是,客户端可以缓存节点和key的映射关系,从而改善性能。
Write safety
RedisCluster节点间使用异步复制(replication),最后的故障转移影响合并功能。这意味着最后推举的主节点的数据集 最后会取代其他所有的复制。在这个时间间隔中可能丢写。一个连接到大多数主节点和一个连接到少数主节点的客户端的窗口期是不同的。
- 一个写到达master,但是当master回复client以后,这次写并没有通过异步复制传播给slave。如果在写到达slave之前,master宕机了,如果master宕机过久从而其从节点被推举为新的master以后,那么这次写就永久丢失了。 很难复现,但这确实是真实世界的失败模式。
- 其他理论上可能写失败的情况如下:
- 因为分隔,主节点不可达。
- 从节点升为主
- 过了一段时间,旧的主节点又可以了
- 一个拥有过期路由表的客户端可能写到旧主节点,在旧主节点变为新主节点的从节点之前。
向minority partition写入时失败率很高。比如多个客户端向minority paritition写入,而majority partition认为minority partition已经失败,推举了minority的从节点为新的主节点,那么在这个过程中写入minority的写入就失败了。
Specifically, for a master to be failed over it must be unreachable by the majority of masters for at least NODE_TIMEOUT, so if the partition is fixed before that time, no writes are lost. When the partition lasts for more than NODE_TIMEOUT, all the writes performed in the minority side up to that point may be lost. However the minority side of a Redis Cluster will start refusing writes as soon as NODE_TIMEOUT time has elapsed without contact with the majority, so there is a maximum window after which the minority becomes no longer available. Hence, no writes are accepted or lost after that time.
特别地,在NODE_TIMEOUT内majority的主节点访问不到主节点时,该主节点被标记为failed,所以在NODE_TIMEOUT之前,被修复,那么写入不会丢失。当minority partition持续了NODE_TIMEOUT,所有写到minority的写入都会失败。但是,一旦过了NODE_TIMEOUT,那么RedisCluster会拒绝写入。因此,在那个时间以后,写入不被允许和丢失。【todo】
##Availability 可用性
对于minority partition, RedisCluster并不可用。对于majority partition(指的是主节点的大多数并且不可达的主节点都有一个从节点),在NODE_TIMEOUT+从节点推举以后,集群变得可用。
这意味着当集群中少量节点失败的时候,RedisCluster可用。面对large net splits时,RedisCluster并不是合适的解决方案。
In the example of a cluster composed of N master nodes where every node has a single slave, the majority side of the cluster will remain available as long as a single node is partitioned away, and will remain available with a probability of 1-(1/(N*2-1))
when two nodes are partitioned away (after the first node fails we are left with N*2-1
nodes in total, and the probability of the only master without a replica to fail is 1/(N*2-1))
= 11.11%,集群变得不可用。
单个Redis实例可以准确控制单个操作。这意味着在N个主节点的RedisCluster中,你可以期待的性能是 单个RedisCluster * N 。在单个round trip中可以完成一次查询,因为客户端与节点间保持长连接,所以等待时间与单个Redis实例是一样的。
RedisCluster的主要目标是高性能和可扩展性,while preserving weak but reasonable forms of data safety and availability。
Redis Cluster design avoids conflicting versions of the same key-value pair in multiple nodes as in the case of the Redis data model this is not always desirable. Values in Redis are often very large; it is common to see lists or sorted sets with millions of elements. Also data types are semantically complex. Transferring and merging these kind of values can be a major bottleneck and/or may require the non-trivial involvement of application-side logic, additional memory to store meta-data, and so forth.
There are no strict technological limits here. CRDTs or synchronously replicated state machines can model complex data types similar to Redis. However, the actual run time behavior of such systems would not be similar to Redis Cluster. Redis Cluster was designed in order to cover the exact use cases of the non-clustered Redis version.
#Overview of Redis Cluster main components
key的空间被分为16384 2^14个槽位,最大主节点个数是16384,但是建议的最大节点数是1000个。集群中每个主节点负责16384个hash槽位的一个子集。当没有正在进行的集群重新配置时(如hash槽位从一个节点挪到另外一个),集群是稳定的。集群是稳定时,单个hash槽位被单个节点服务。 (however the serving node can have one or more slaves that will replace it in the case of net splits or failures, and that can be used in order to scale read operations where reading stale data is acceptable)。
将keys映射到hash槽位的基本算法是(有hash tag的除外):
```HASH_SLOT = CRC16(key) mod 16384```
The CRC16 is specified as follows:
Name: XMODEM (also known as ZMODEM or CRC-16/ACORN)
Width: 16 bit
Poly: 1021 (That is actually x16 + x12 + x5 + 1)
Initialization: 0000
Reflect Input byte: False
Reflect Output CRC: False
Xor constant to output CRC: 0000
Output for "123456789": 31C3
14 out of 16 CRC16 output bits are used (this is why there is a modulo 16384 operation in the formula above).
In our tests CRC16 behaved remarkably well in distributing different kinds of keys evenly across the 16384 slots.
Note: A reference implementation of the CRC16 algorithm used is available in the Appendix A of this document.
有hash tags时 hash槽位的计算不使用上面的公式。Hash tags
为了实现hash tags,在某些情况下,计算key的hash槽位有些不同。如果一个key包含了”{…}”模式,只有在{和}之间的子串被用来计算hash槽位。但是,因为{和}会多次出现,算法按照下面的规则指定:
两个key{user1000}.following 和 {user1000}.followers将会被hash到相同的hash操作,因为只有子串user1000被用来计算hash槽位。
对于key foo{}{bar}
Adding the hash tags exception, the following is an implementation of the HASH_SLOT function in Ruby and C language.
Ruby example code:
def HASH_SLOT(key)
s = key.index "{"
if s
e = key.index "}",s+1
if e && e != s+1
key = key[s+1..e-1]
crc16(key) % 16384
C example code:
unsigned int HASH_SLOT(char key, int keylen) {
int s, e; / start-end indexes of { and } */
/* Search the first occurrence of '{'. */
for (s = 0; s < keylen; s++)
if (key[s] == '{') break;
/* No '{' ? Hash the whole key. This is the base case. */
if (s == keylen) return crc16(key,keylen) & 16383;
/* '{' found? Check if we have the corresponding '}'. */
for (e = s+1; e < keylen; e++)
if (key[e] == '}') break;
/* No '}' or nothing between {} ? Hash the whole key. */
if (e == keylen || e == s+1) return crc16(key,keylen) & 16383;
/* If we are here there is both a { and a } on its right. Hash
* what is in the middle between { and }. */
return crc16(key+s+1,e-s-1) & 16383;
Cluster nodes attributes
集群中每个节点有一个唯一的名字。这个节点的名字是一个160位随机数字的16进制表示,节点首次启动的时候获得。节点将其id保存在节点配置文件中,只要系统管理员不删除节点配置或者不使用CLUSTER RESET命令的话,将永远使用这个相同的ID。
整个集群中使用节点ID来标识每一个节点。对于一个指定节点可以无需改变节点ID,即可改变其IP地址。集群可以检测到IP/PORT的改变并在cluster bus中使用gossip协议进行重新配置。
每个节点维护其他节点的以下信息:节点ID,IP,port,一组flags,是否是主节点,节点ping的最后时间,收到pong的最后时间,节点现在的configuration epoch(这点一会儿详细解释),连接状态,所服务的hash槽位的集合。
所有节点字段的详细字段在CLUSTER NODES中详细描述。
CLUSTER NODES命令可以发送到集群中的任何一个节点,提供整个集群的状态和每个节点的信息。
下面是CLUSTER NODES命令的输出示例,集群中只有三个节点:
$ redis-cli cluster nodes
d1861060fe6a534d42d8a19aeb36600e18785e04 myself - 0 1318428930 1 connected 0-1364
3886e65cc906bfd9b1f7e7bde468726a052d1dae master - 1318428930 1318428931 2 connected 1365-2729
d289c575dcbc4bdd2931585fd4339089e461a27d master - 1318428931 1318428931 3 connected 2730-4095
<id> <ip:port> <flags> <master> <ping-sent> <pong-recv> <config-epoch> <link-state> <slot> <slot> ... <slot>
##The Cluster bus
每个RedisCluster 节点都有另外一个TCP端口用于接收来自其他RedisCluster节点的连接。这个端口与接收客户端连接的正常端口有一个固定偏移。为了取得RedisCluster端口,10000通常是固定偏移。例如,如果一个Redis节点用于客户端的端口是6379,那么Cluster bus的端口16379通常也被打开。
节点与节点通信仅仅使用Cluster bus和Cluster bus协议:一个由不同类型和字节的帧组成的二进制协议。Cluster bus二进制协议没有公开的文档,因为并不需要外部的软件使用该协议与RedisCluster节点通信。当然,你可以通过源码中的cluster.h和cluster.c阅读。
##Cluster topology
Redis Cluster is a full mesh where every node is connected with every other node using a TCP connection.
In a cluster of N nodes, every node has N-1 outgoing TCP connections, and N-1 incoming connections.
These TCP connections are kept alive all the time and are not created on demand. When a node expects a pong reply in response to a ping in the cluster bus, before waiting long enough to mark the node as unreachable, it will try to refresh the connection with the node by reconnecting from scratch.
RedisCluster是一个完整的网,每个节点与其他节点通过TCP连接进行连接。在一个N个节点的集群中,每个节点有N-1个向外的TCP连接和N-1个向内的连接【TODO outgoing, incoming。这些TCP连接一直保活,并且不会按需创建。 When a node expects a pong reply in response to a ping in the cluster bus, before waiting long enough to mark the node as unreachable, it will try to refresh the connection with the node by reconnecting from scratch.
Nodes handshake
节点通常在节点bus端口上接收连接,并且 如果pinging的节点不被信任,当收到ping以后会做出相应。但是如果发送消息的节点不是集群的一部分,那么收到消息的节点会丢弃其他包。
这种机制使得集群更加健壮但是but prevents different Redis clusters from accidentally mixing after change of IP addresses or other network related events。
-MOVED 3999
错误中包含了key的hash槽位(3999)和负责这个请求的节点的ip:port。客户端需要将这个请求重发到特定的IP地址和端口。 注意到,如果在客户端重发这个请求之前,cluster配置发生改变,如果3999的hash槽位被其他节点6382服务,那么当客户端重发这个请求时,目标节点将又会恢复MOVED错误。
一种方案是当收到MOVED重定向的时候,使用 CLUSTER NODES或CLUSTER SLOTS来更新整个客户端的集群布局。当重定向发生时,可能是多个而不是一个槽位被重新配置,因此尽可能的更新客户端配置是最好的策略。
一个客户端必须能够处理 -ASK重定向。下面将会描述这种情况,否则就不是一个完整的Cluster客户端。
CLUSTER ADDSLOTS slot1 [slot2] … [slotN]
CLUSTER DELSLOTS slot1 [slot2] … [slotN]
如果使用的是 SETSLOT NODE格式,SETSLOT子命令用于将槽位分配给特定的nodeID 。否则,槽位会被设定为两个特定状态MIGRATING和IMPORTING。这两个特别的状态用于将hash槽位从一个节点迁移到另外一个节点。
当一个槽位设置为IMPORTING时,只有先发送ASKING命令,节点会接收这个hash槽位的所有请求。如果客户端没有发出ASKING命令,那么会通过-MOVED重定向错误重定向到真正的hash 槽位。
All the other nodes will continue to point clients to node “A” every time they are queried with a key that belongs to hash slot 8, so what happens is that:
上面的命令会返回指定hash槽位中key的个数。对于返回的每个key,redis-trib会向节点A发送 MIGRATE命令,将特定的key以原子方式从节点A移到节点B(在迁移过程中两个实例都要被锁住,从而避免竞争的情况)。MIGRATE工作情况:
MIGRATE target_host target_port key target_database id timeout
RedisCluster中不需要指定database,但是MIGRATE是一个普通命令。优化过的MIGRATE可以非常快的进行移动,MIGRATE is optimized to be as fast as possible even when moving complex keys such as long lists, but in Redis Cluster reconfiguring the cluster where big keys are present is not considered a wise procedure if there are latency constraints in the application using the database.
当迁移过程完成以后, SETSLOT <slot> NODE <node-id>
##ASK redirection
We need to force that client behavior, so to make sure that clients will only try node B after A was tried, node B will only accept queries of a slot that is set as IMPORTING if the client sends the ASKING command before sending the query.
在CLUSTER SETSLOT命令文档中,slots迁移以相似的术语但是不同的词语进行了解释,主要是考虑到了文档的冗余。
- 启动时获得初始的槽位配置信息
- 收到一个MOVED重定向时
为了获取RedisCluster的槽位配置信息,RedisCluster提供了一个新的命令CLUSTER SLOTS。这个命令不需要解析,只是提供客户端需要的信息,提供的是一个数组,数组的每个元素是槽位范围和与之关联的master和slave节点。下面是CLUSTER SLOTS的示例:> cluster slots
1) 1) (integer) 5461
2) (integer) 10922
3) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7001
4) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7004
2) 1) (integer) 0
2) (integer) 5460
3) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7000
4) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7003
3) 1) (integer) 10923
2) (integer) 16383
3) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7002
4) 1) ""
2) (integer) 7005
如果集群配置错误,CLUSTER SLOTS不能保证返回的范围覆盖了全部的16384个槽位,因此客户端需要初始化槽位配置,使用NULL对象来填充目标节点,如果客户去执行了没有分配的槽位的话客户端需要报错。
使用hash tags,客户端能够使用multi-key操作。下面的例子是有效的:
MSET {user:1000}.name Angela {user:1000}.surname White
- 当从节点的主节点没有负责这个槽位时,
- 集群被重新配置,从节点不再负责这个特定的槽位时,
#容错(Fault Tolerance)
心跳和流言消息(Heartbeat and gossip messages)
时间内没有被节点A ping过,那么节点A会在NODE_TIMEOUT/2
有很多方法可以减少消息的数量,但是目前还没有关于RedisCluster 错误检测所带来的带宽问题的issues,因此使用明确和直接的设计。注意,即使在上面的例子中,每秒交换330个包被分散在100个不同节点上,因此可以接受。
##Heartbeat packet content
Ping and pong packets contain a header that is common to all types of packets (for instance packets to request a failover vote), and a special Gossip Section that is specific of Ping and Pong packets.
ping和pong包包含了一个所有类型包通用的头部,以及一个具体的gossip section。
- Node ID。节点最开始创建的时候分配的一个160字节的随机字符串。在集群整个生命期中,Node ID不变。
- The currentEpoch and configEpoch fields of the sending node that are used to mount the distributed algorithms used by Redis Cluster (this is explained in detail in the next sections). If the node is a slave the configEpoch is the last known configEpoch of its master.
- The node flags, indicating if the node is a slave, a master, and other single-bit node information.
- A bitmap of the hash slots served by the sending node, or if the node is a slave, a bitmap of the slots served by its master.
- The sender TCP base port (that is, the port used by Redis to accept client commands; add 10000 to this to obtain the cluster bus port).
The state of the cluster from the point of view of the sender (down or ok).
- The master node ID of the sending node, if it is a slave.
Ping和Pong包通常包含一个gossip 部分。This section offers to the receiver a view of what the sender node thinks about other nodes in the cluster.The gossip section only contains information about a few random nodes among the set of nodes known to the sender. gossip部分中提到的节点数量与集群的大小是成比例的。
gossip section中包含节点以下字段:
- Node ID.
- IP and port of the node.
- Node flags.
Gossip sections allow receiving nodes to get information about the state of other nodes from the point of view of the sender. This is useful both for failure detection and to discover other nodes in the cluster.
RedisCluster错误检测用于发现:当大多数节点认为一个master或slave节点 不可用时,会推举一个slave节点作为master节点。 当从推举
PFAIL flag:
的概念是:一个active ping超过NODE_TIMEOUT后依然没有收到响应。这种机制下,NODE_TIMEOUT要大于网络的往返时间(round trip time)。
FAIL flag:
正如文档中节点心跳部分概括的,每个节点会向其他节点发送gossip消息,这些消息包含了其他已知节点的状态。每个节点最后接收一组其他节点的节点标识。This way every node has a mechanism to signal other nodes about failure conditions they have detected.
- 节点A已经将节点B标识为PFAIL。
- 通过gossip部分,节点A从集群中大多数主节点那儿收集了节点B的状态。
- 在
- 将节点标记为FAIL
- 向所有可以到达的节点发送FAIL消息。
The FAIL message will force every receiving node to mark the node in FAIL state, whether or not it already flagged the node in PFAIL state.
Note that the FAIL flag is mostly one way. That is, a node can go from PFAIL to FAIL, but a FAIL flag can only be cleared in the following situations:
The node is already reachable and is a slave. In this case the FAIL flag can be cleared as slaves are not failed over.
The node is already reachable and is a master not serving any slot. In this case the FAIL flag can be cleared as masters without slots do not really participate in the cluster and are waiting to be configured in order to join the cluster.
The node is already reachable and is a master, but a long time (N times the NODE_TIMEOUT) has elapsed without any detectable slave promotion. It’s better for it to rejoin the cluster and continue in this case.
It is useful to note that while the PFAIL -> FAIL transition uses a form of agreement, the agreement used is weak:
Nodes collect views of other nodes over some time period, so even if the majority of master nodes need to “agree”, actually this is just state that we collected from different nodes at different times and we are not sure, nor we require, that at a given moment the majority of masters agreed. However we discard failure reports which are old, so the failure was signaled by the majority of masters within a window of time.
While every node detecting the FAIL condition will force that condition on other nodes in the cluster using the FAIL message, there is no way to ensure the message will reach all the nodes. For instance a node may detect the FAIL condition and because of a partition will not be able to reach any other node.
However the Redis Cluster failure detection has a liveness requirement: eventually all the nodes should agree about the state of a given node. There are two cases that can originate from split brain conditions. Either some minority of nodes believe the node is in FAIL state, or a minority of nodes believe the node is not in FAIL state. In both the cases eventually the cluster will have a single view of the state of a given node:
Case 1: If a majority of masters have flagged a node as FAIL, because of failure detection and the chain effect it generates, every other node will eventually flag the master as FAIL, since in the specified window of time enough failures will be reported.
Case 2: When only a minority of masters have flagged a node as FAIL, the slave promotion will not happen (as it uses a more formal algorithm that makes sure everybody knows about the promotion eventually) and every node will clear the FAIL state as per the FAIL state clearing rules above (i.e. no promotion after N times the NODE_TIMEOUT has elapsed).
The FAIL flag is only used as a trigger to run the safe part of the algorithm for the slave promotion. In theory a slave may act independently and start a slave promotion when its master is not reachable, and wait for the masters to refuse to provide the acknowledgment if the master is actually reachable by the majority. However the added complexity of the PFAIL -> FAIL state, the weak agreement, and the FAIL message forcing the propagation of the state in the shortest amount of time in the reachable part of the cluster, have practical advantages. Because of these mechanisms, usually all the nodes will stop accepting writes at about the same time if the cluster is in an error state. This is a desirable feature from the point of view of applications using Redis Cluster. Also erroneous election attempts initiated by slaves that can’t reach its master due to local problems (the master is otherwise reachable by the majority of other master nodes) are avoided.
#Configuration handling, propagation, and failovers
集群当前时代(Cluster current epoch)
At node creation every Redis Cluster node, both slaves and master nodes, set the currentEpoch to 0.
配置时代(Configuration epoch)
Every master always advertises its configEpoch in ping and pong packets along with a bitmap advertising the set of slots it serves.
The configEpoch is set to zero in masters when a new node is created.
A new configEpoch is created during slave election. Slaves trying to replace failing masters increment their epoch and try to get authorization from a majority of masters. When a slave is authorized, a new unique configEpoch is created and the slave turns into a master using the new configEpoch.
As explained in the next sections the configEpoch helps to resolve conflicts when different nodes claim divergent configurations (a condition that may happen because of network partitions and node failures).
Slave nodes also advertise the configEpoch field in ping and pong packets, but in the case of slaves the field represents the configEpoch of its master as of the last time they exchanged packets. This allows other instances to detect when a slave has an old configuration that needs to be updated (master nodes will not grant votes to slaves with an old configuration).
Every time the configEpoch changes for some known node, it is permanently stored in the nodes.conf file by all the nodes that receive this information. The same also happens for the currentEpoch value. These two variables are guaranteed to be saved and fsync-ed to disk when updated before a node continues its operations.
The configEpoch values generated using a simple algorithm during failovers are guaranteed to be new, incremental, and unique.
##从节点选举和推举 Slave election and promotion
- 从节点的主节点是FAIL状态
- 主节点负责的槽位个数大于0
- 从节点与主节点的复制连接已经断开一段时间,目的是为了保证被推举从节点的的数据足够新。这个时间是用户可配置的
从节点向集群中每个主节点发送 FAILOVER_AUTH_REQUEST的包,从而发起投票的请求。之后等待投票的最长时间是2*NODE_TIMEOUT。
一旦一个主节点为某个从节点投票以后,即回复FAILOVER_AUTH_ACK的包,那么这个主节点在2*NODE_TIMEOUT时间内就不能投票该主节点的其他从节点了。 这不是为了保证安全,但可以防止多个从节点同时被推举,这不是我们想要的。
##Slave rank
As soon as a master is in FAIL state, a slave waits a short period of time before trying to get elected. That delay is computed as follows:
DELAY = 500 milliseconds + random delay between 0 and 500 milliseconds +
SLAVE_RANK * 1000 milliseconds
The SLAVE_RANK is the rank of this slave regarding the amount of replication data it has processed from the master. Slaves exchange messages when the master is failing in order to establish a (best effort) rank: the slave with the most updated replication offset is at rank 0, the second most updated at rank 1, and so forth. In this way the most updated slaves try to get elected before others.
Rank order is not strictly enforced; if a slave of higher rank fails to be elected, the others will try shortly.
Once a slave wins the election, it obtains a new unique and incremental configEpoch which is higher than that of any other existing master. It starts advertising itself as master in ping and pong packets, providing the set of served slots with a configEpoch that will win over the past ones.
In order to speedup the reconfiguration of other nodes, a pong packet is broadcast to all the nodes of the cluster. Currently unreachable nodes will eventually be reconfigured when they receive a ping or pong packet from another node or will receive an UPDATE packet from another node if the information it publishes via heartbeat packets are detected to be out of date.
The other nodes will detect that there is a new master serving the same slots served by the old master but with a greater configEpoch, and will upgrade their configuration. Slaves of the old master (or the failed over master if it rejoins the cluster) will not just upgrade the configuration but will also reconfigure to replicate from the new master. How nodes rejoining the cluster are configured is explained in the next sections.
##Masters reply to slave vote request
In the previous section it was discussed how slaves try to get elected. This section explains what happens from the point of view of a master that is requested to vote for a given slave.
Masters receive requests for votes in form of FAILOVER_AUTH_REQUEST requests from slaves.
For a vote to be granted the following conditions need to be met:
A master only votes a single time for a given epoch, and refuses to vote for older epochs: every master has a lastVoteEpoch field and will refuse to vote again as long as the currentEpoch in the auth request packet is not greater than the lastVoteEpoch. When a master replies positively to a vote request, the lastVoteEpoch is updated accordingly, and safely stored on disk.
A master votes for a slave only if the slave’s master is flagged as FAIL.
Auth requests with a currentEpoch that is less than the master currentEpoch are ignored. Because of this the master reply will always have the same currentEpoch as the auth request. If the same slave asks again to be voted, incrementing the currentEpoch, it is guaranteed that an old delayed reply from the master can not be accepted for the new vote.
Example of the issue caused by not using rule number 3:
Master currentEpoch is 5, lastVoteEpoch is 1 (this may happen after a few failed elections)
Slave currentEpoch is 3.
Slave tries to be elected with epoch 4 (3+1), master replies with an ok with currentEpoch 5, however the reply is delayed.
Slave will try to be elected again, at a later time, with epoch 5 (4+1), the delayed reply reaches the slave with currentEpoch 5, and is accepted as valid.
Masters don’t vote for a slave of the same master before NODE_TIMEOUT * 2 has elapsed if a slave of that master was already voted for. This is not strictly required as it is not possible for two slaves to win the election in the same epoch. However, in practical terms it ensures that when a slave is elected it has plenty of time to inform the other slaves and avoid the possibility that another slave will win a new election, performing an unnecessary second failover.
Masters make no effort to select the best slave in any way. If the slave’s master is in FAIL state and the master did not vote in the current term, a positive vote is granted. The best slave is the most likely to start an election and win it before the other slaves, since it will usually be able to start the voting process earlier because of its higher rank as explained in the previous section.
When a master refuses to vote for a given slave there is no negative response, the request is simply ignored.
Masters don’t vote for slaves sending a configEpoch that is less than any configEpoch in the master table for the slots claimed by the slave. Remember that the slave sends the configEpoch of its master, and the bitmap of the slots served by its master. This means that the slave requesting the vote must have a configuration for the slots it wants to failover that is newer or equal the one of the master granting the vote.
Practical example of configuration epoch usefulness during partitions
This section illustrates how the epoch concept is used to make the slave promotion process more resistant to partitions.
A master is no longer reachable indefinitely. The master has three slaves A, B, C.
Slave A wins the election and is promoted to master.
A network partition makes A not available for the majority of the cluster.
Slave B wins the election and is promoted as master.
A partition makes B not available for the majority of the cluster.
The previous partition is fixed, and A is available again.
At this point B is down and A is available again with a role of master (actually UPDATE messages would reconfigure it promptly, but here we assume all UPDATE messages were lost). At the same time, slave C will try to get elected in order to fail over B. This is what happens:
B will try to get elected and will succeed, since for the majority of masters its master is actually down. It will obtain a new incremental configEpoch.
A will not be able to claim to be the master for its hash slots, because the other nodes already have the same hash slots associated with a higher configuration epoch (the one of B) compared to the one published by A.
So, all the nodes will upgrade their table to assign the hash slots to C, and the cluster will continue its operations.
As you’ll see in the next sections, a stale node rejoining a cluster will usually get notified as soon as possible about the configuration change because as soon as it pings any other node, the receiver will detect it has stale information and will send an UPDATE message.
Hash slots configuration propagation
An important part of Redis Cluster is the mechanism used to propagate the information about which cluster node is serving a given set of hash slots. This is vital to both the startup of a fresh cluster and the ability to upgrade the configuration after a slave was promoted to serve the slots of its failing master.
The same mechanism allows nodes partitioned away for an indefinite amount of time to rejoin the cluster in a sensible way.
There are two ways hash slot configurations are propagated:
Heartbeat messages. The sender of a ping or pong packet always adds information about the set of hash slots it (or its master, if it is a slave) serves.
UPDATE messages. Since in every heartbeat packet there is information about the sender configEpoch and set of hash slots served, if a receiver of a heartbeat packet finds the sender information is stale, it will send a packet with new information, forcing the stale node to update its info.
The receiver of a heartbeat or UPDATE message uses certain simple rules in order to update its table mapping hash slots to nodes. When a new Redis Cluster node is created, its local hash slot table is simply initialized to NULL entries so that each hash slot is not bound or linked to any node. This looks similar to the following:
0 -> NULL
1 -> NULL
2 -> NULL
16383 -> NULL
The first rule followed by a node in order to update its hash slot table is the following:
Rule 1: If a hash slot is unassigned (set to NULL), and a known node claims it, I’ll modify my hash slot table and associate the claimed hash slots to it.
So if we receive a heartbeat from node A claiming to serve hash slots 1 and 2 with a configuration epoch value of 3, the table will be modified to:
0 -> NULL
1 -> A [3]
2 -> A [3]
16383 -> NULL
When a new cluster is created, a system administrator needs to manually assign (using the CLUSTER ADDSLOTS command, via the redis-trib command line tool, or by any other means) the slots served by each master node only to the node itself, and the information will rapidly propagate across the cluster.
However this rule is not enough. We know that hash slot mapping can change during two events:
A slave replaces its master during a failover.
A slot is resharded from a node to a different one.
For now let’s focus on failovers. When a slave fails over its master, it obtains a configuration epoch which is guaranteed to be greater than the one of its master (and more generally greater than any other configuration epoch generated previously). For example node B, which is a slave of A, may failover B with configuration epoch of 4. It will start to send heartbeat packets (the first time mass-broadcasting cluster-wide) and because of the following second rule, receivers will update their hash slot tables:
Rule 2: If a hash slot is already assigned, and a known node is advertising it using a configEpoch that is greater than the configEpoch of the master currently associated with the slot, I’ll rebind the hash slot to the new node.
So after receiving messages from B that claim to serve hash slots 1 and 2 with configuration epoch of 4, the receivers will update their table in the following way:
0 -> NULL
1 -> B [4]
2 -> B [4]
16383 -> NULL
Liveness property: because of the second rule, eventually all nodes in the cluster will agree that the owner of a slot is the one with the greatest configEpoch among the nodes advertising it.
This mechanism in Redis Cluster is called last failover wins.
The same happens during reshardings. When a node importing a hash slot completes the import operation, its configuration epoch is incremented to make sure the change will be propagated throughout the cluster.
UPDATE messages, a closer look
With the previous section in mind, it is easier to see how update messages work. Node A may rejoin the cluster after some time. It will send heartbeat packets where it claims it serves hash slots 1 and 2 with configuration epoch of 3. All the receivers with updated information will instead see that the same hash slots are associated with node B having an higher configuration epoch. Because of this they’ll send an UPDATE message to A with the new configuration for the slots. A will update its configuration because of the rule 2 above.
How nodes rejoin the cluster
The same basic mechanism is used when a node rejoins a cluster. Continuing with the example above, node A will be notified that hash slots 1 and 2 are now served by B. Assuming that these two were the only hash slots served by A, the count of hash slots served by A will drop to 0! So A will reconfigure to be a slave of the new master.
The actual rule followed is a bit more complex than this. In general it may happen that A rejoins after a lot of time, in the meantime it may happen that hash slots originally served by A are served by multiple nodes, for example hash slot 1 may be served by B, and hash slot 2 by C.
So the actual Redis Cluster node role switch rule is: A master node will change its configuration to replicate (be a slave of) the node that stole its last hash slot.
During reconfiguration, eventually the number of served hash slots will drop to zero, and the node will reconfigure accordingly. Note that in the base case this just means that the old master will be a slave of the slave that replaced it after a failover. However in the general form the rule covers all possible cases.
Slaves do exactly the same: they reconfigure to replicate the node that stole the last hash slot of its former master.
Replica migration
Redis Cluster implements a concept called replica migration in order to improve the availability of the system. The idea is that in a cluster with a master-slave setup, if the map between slaves and masters is fixed availability is limited over time if multiple independent failures of single nodes happen.
For example in a cluster where every master has a single slave, the cluster can continue operations as long as either the master or the slave fail, but not if both fail the same time. However there is a class of failures that are the independent failures of single nodes caused by hardware or software issues that can accumulate over time. For example:
Master A has a single slave A1.
Master A fails. A1 is promoted as new master.
Three hours later A1 fails in an independent manner (unrelated to the failure of A). No other slave is available for promotion since node A is still down. The cluster cannot continue normal operations.
If the map between masters and slaves is fixed, the only way to make the cluster more resistant to the above scenario is to add slaves to every master, however this is costly as it requires more instances of Redis to be executed, more memory, and so forth.
An alternative is to create an asymmetry in the cluster, and let the cluster layout automatically change over time. For example the cluster may have three masters A, B, C. A and B have a single slave each, A1 and B1. However the master C is different and has two slaves: C1 and C2.
Replica migration is the process of automatic reconfiguration of a slave in order to migrate to a master that has no longer coverage (no working slaves). With replica migration the scenario mentioned above turns into the following:
Master A fails. A1 is promoted.
C2 migrates as slave of A1, that is otherwise not backed by any slave.
Three hours later A1 fails as well.
C2 is promoted as new master to replace A1.
The cluster can continue the operations.
Replica migration algorithm
The migration algorithm does not use any form of agreement since the slave layout in a Redis Cluster is not part of the cluster configuration that needs to be consistent and/or versioned with config epochs. Instead it uses an algorithm to avoid mass-migration of slaves when a master is not backed. The algorithm guarantees that eventually (once the cluster configuration is stable) every master will be backed by at least one slave.
This is how the algorithm works. To start we need to define what is a good slave in this context: a good slave is a slave not in FAIL state from the point of view of a given node.
The execution of the algorithm is triggered in every slave that detects that there is at least a single master without good slaves. However among all the slaves detecting this condition, only a subset should act. This subset is actually often a single slave unless different slaves have in a given moment a slightly different view of the failure state of other nodes.
The acting slave is the slave among the masters with the maximum number of attached slaves, that is not in FAIL state and has the smallest node ID.
So for example if there are 10 masters with 1 slave each, and 2 masters with 5 slaves each, the slave that will try to migrate is - among the 2 masters having 5 slaves - the one with the lowest node ID. Given that no agreement is used, it is possible that when the cluster configuration is not stable, a race condition occurs where multiple slaves believe themselves to be the non-failing slave with the lower node ID (it is unlikely for this to happen in practice). If this happens, the result is multiple slaves migrating to the same master, which is harmless. If the race happens in a way that will leave the ceding master without slaves, as soon as the cluster is stable again the algorithm will be re-executed again and will migrate a slave back to the original master.
Eventually every master will be backed by at least one slave. However, the normal behavior is that a single slave migrates from a master with multiple slaves to an orphaned master.
The algorithm is controlled by a user-configurable parameter called cluster-migration-barrier: the number of good slaves a master must be left with before a slave can migrate away. For example, if this parameter is set to 2, a slave can try to migrate only if its master remains with two working slaves.
##configEpoch conflicts resolution algorithm
When new configEpoch values are created via slave promotion during failovers, they are guaranteed to be unique.
However there are two distinct events where new configEpoch values are created in an unsafe way, just incrementing the local currentEpoch of the local node and hoping there are no conflicts at the same time. Both the events are system-administrator triggered:
CLUSTER FAILOVER command with TAKEOVER option is able to manually promote a slave node into a master without the majority of masters being available. This is useful, for example, in multi data center setups.
Migration of slots for cluster rebalancing also generates new configuration epochs inside the local node without agreement for performance reasons.
Specifically, during manual reshardings, when a hash slot is migrated from a node A to a node B, the resharding program will force B to upgrade its configuration to an epoch which is the greatest found in the cluster, plus 1 (unless the node is already the one with the greatest configuration epoch), without requiring agreement from other nodes. Usually a real world resharding involves moving several hundred hash slots (especially in small clusters). Requiring an agreement to generate new configuration epochs during reshardings, for each hash slot moved, is inefficient. Moreover it requires an fsync in each of the cluster nodes every time in order to store the new configuration. Because of the way it is performed instead, we only need a new config epoch when the first hash slot is moved, making it much more efficient in production environments.
However because of the two cases above, it is possible (though unlikely) to end with multiple nodes having the same configuration epoch. A resharding operation performed by the system administrator, and a failover happening at the same time (plus a lot of bad luck) could cause currentEpoch collisions if they are not propagated fast enough.
Moreover, software bugs and filesystem corruptions can also contribute to multiple nodes having the same configuration epoch.
When masters serving different hash slots have the same configEpoch, there are no issues. It is more important that slaves failing over a master have unique configuration epochs.
That said, manual interventions or reshardings may change the cluster configuration in different ways. The Redis Cluster main liveness property requires that slot configurations always converge, so under every circumstance we really want all the master nodes to have a different configEpoch.
In order to enforce this, a conflict resolution algorithm is used in the event that two nodes end up with the same configEpoch.
IF a master node detects another master node is advertising itself with the same configEpoch.
AND IF the node has a lexicographically smaller Node ID compared to the other node claiming the same configEpoch.
THEN it increments its currentEpoch by 1, and uses it as the new configEpoch.
If there are any set of nodes with the same configEpoch, all the nodes but the one with the greatest Node ID will move forward, guaranteeing that, eventually, every node will pick a unique configEpoch regardless of what happened.
This mechanism also guarantees that after a fresh cluster is created, all nodes start with a different configEpoch (even if this is not actually used) since redis-trib makes sure to use CONFIG SET-CONFIG-EPOCH at startup. However if for some reason a node is left misconfigured, it will update its configuration to a different configuration epoch automatically.
##Node resets
Nodes can be software reset (without restarting them) in order to be reused in a different role or in a different cluster. This is useful in normal operations, in testing, and in cloud environments where a given node can be reprovisioned to join a different set of nodes to enlarge or create a new cluster.
In Redis Cluster nodes are reset using the CLUSTER RESET command. The command is provided in two variants:
The command must be sent directly to the node to reset. If no reset type is provided, a soft reset is performed.
The following is a list of operations performed by a reset:
Soft and hard reset: If the node is a slave, it is turned into a master, and its dataset is discarded. If the node is a master and contains keys the reset operation is aborted.
Soft and hard reset: All the slots are released, and the manual failover state is reset.
Soft and hard reset: All the other nodes in the nodes table are removed, so the node no longer knows any other node.
Hard reset only: currentEpoch, configEpoch, and lastVoteEpoch are set to 0.
Hard reset only: the Node ID is changed to a new random ID.
Master nodes with non-empty data sets can’t be reset (since normally you want to reshard data to the other nodes). However, under special conditions when this is appropriate (e.g. when a cluster is totally destroyed with the intent of creating a new one), FLUSHALL must be executed before proceeding with the reset.
Removing nodes from a cluster
It is possible to practically remove a node from an existing cluster by resharding all its data to other nodes (if it is a master node) and shutting it down. However, the other nodes will still remember its node ID and address, and will attempt to connect with it.
For this reason, when a node is removed we want to also remove its entry from all the other nodes tables. This is accomplished by using the CLUSTER FORGET command.
The command does two things:
It removes the node with the specified node ID from the nodes table.
It sets a 60 second ban which prevents a node with the same node ID from being re-added.
The second operation is needed because Redis Cluster uses gossip in order to auto-discover nodes, so removing the node X from node A, could result in node B gossiping about node X to A again. Because of the 60 second ban, the Redis Cluster administration tools have 60 seconds in order to remove the node from all the nodes, preventing the re-addition of the node due to auto discovery.
Further information is available in the CLUSTER FORGET documentation.
In a Redis Cluster clients can subscribe to every node, and can also publish to every other node. The cluster will make sure that published messages are forwarded as needed.
The current implementation will simply broadcast each published message to all other nodes, but at some point this will be optimized either using Bloom filters or other algorithms.
Appendix A: CRC16 reference implementation in ANSI C
- Copyright 2001-2010 Georges Menie (www.menie.org)
- Copyright 2010 Salvatore Sanfilippo (adapted to Redis coding style)
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the
- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
/ CRC16 implementation according to CCITT standards.
- Note by @antirez: this is actually the XMODEM CRC 16 algorithm, using the
- following parameters:
- Name : “XMODEM”, also known as “ZMODEM”, “CRC-16/ACORN”
- Width : 16 bit
- Poly : 1021 (That is actually x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1)
- Initialization : 0000
- Reflect Input byte : False
- Reflect Output CRC : False
- Xor constant to output CRC : 0000
- Output for “123456789” : 31C3
static const uint16_t crc16tab[256]= {
uint16_t crc16(const char buf, int len) {
int counter;
uint16_t crc = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < len; counter++)
crc = (crc<<8) ^ crc16tab[((crc>>8) ^ buf++)&0x00FF];
return crc;